20th September 2024                               Issue No. 1

Message from the Headteacher

A very warm welcome back to a new school year. I love September, it's an exciting time for everyone at school with new opportunities ahead of us. It has been wonderful to see our Nursery and Reception children settling in over the last two weeks and enjoying our stimulating Early Years environment. I was also delighted to see so many of our parents and carers at our first Welcome in Wednesday Event last week. Thank you for supporting your children in their return to school and I look forward to sharing a happy and successful year ahead.

Welcome to new staff this September

Ms Palak Shah

Assistant Headteacher

Mr Craig Brown


Ms Alison Lampert

Year 5 Teacher/ Writing Lead

Mr Jamie Smyth

Year 6 Teacher/Computing Lead

Ms Rhiannon Courtney

Reception Teacher

What's been happening this week?

Year 6 kicked off their autumn term with an engaging Launch Day for their new History topic, "Forgotten Heroes of WWII."

The students had a fantastic time stepping back in time, dressing up as evacuees to gain a deeper understanding of life during the war. Their enthusiasm and creativity made it a memorable start to our autumn term. We’re looking forward to exploring more about these unsung heroes and their incredible stories throughout the term!

Last Monday, to celebrate the start of Year 2, we had a Fun Day.  

We did so many things: we played SPLAT, we went to the park, we used chalk pastels to create Great Fire of London art, we used iPADs to go on to Numbots, we explored circus skills. It was a fun day and we have been writing our own recounts of that day all wk.

Forest School - Ally Pally 

This term, we are excited to offer two classes and a small group the chance to participate in a Forest School experience at Ally Pally. The Forest School approach promotes children's holistic development through sensory-rich outdoor learning. Children work in small groups and are guided by a trained Forest School Leader face new challenges while safely exploring their natural environment. The programme focuses on improving fine motor skills, enhancing physical and emotional growth, nurturing creativity, and expanding children's knowledge of local nature at Ally Pally. The long-term nature of the programme allows for repeated experiences, helping children build a deeper connection with their surroundings.

Art Club

During Art Club this week, year 3 made some fabulous face masks. They showed lots of creativity, enthusiasm and style, when deciding how to design their masks and used lots of resources to do so. They also had an opportunity to look at and appreciate one another's designs before wearing them home.

Jo Gold is a talented designer and illustrator. She creates vibrant cartoon portraits and colourful prints, showcasing some of Haringey's most iconic landmarks, such as Art Deco tube stations and Alexandra Palace. Her work is known for its use of bright colours, simple shapes and an appreciation for symmetry, capturing the unique architecture of local buildings. 

Last year, Jo created a beautiful illustration of our school, which we used to design tote bags for sale at our Summer Fair. This year, she’s taking on an exciting new project - creating a mural to brighten up our playground! Make sure you take a look the next time you walk by and watch as it evolves into something special.


We are very proud of our musical learning at Alexandra.  In order to enrich their learning even more, we have signed up to Musician of the Month.  This month we are learning about David Bowie and exploring some of his songs:  Space Oddity, Heroes, Let's Dance and I Can't Give Everything Away.  The genre is 1980s pop/rock music.  I wonder who we will learn about in October.  

Pupil Leadership

This year, we want to develop our Pupil leadership roles throughout the school to include School Council members, Playground Champions,  Inclusion Ambassadors, Eco Warriors, Reading Ambassadors, Maths Champions and School  Council. These opportunities help our children develop skills such as teamwork, responsibility, and decision-making, empowering them to shape their school experience and contribute to key initiatives. 


At the end of last week, the whole school attendance for Years 1-6 was 94.69%

Well done to the following classes for having the best Attendance:

KS1 - Chile 96.25%

LKS2- Mexico – 95.52%

UKS2- Puerto Rico 98.62%

Parent Coffee Mornings

You are warmly invited to our coffee mornings, which offer free tea/ coffee and biscuits. They are run once a month and have a different theme, so keep an eye on the newsletter for more information. 

This term the sessions include:

Wednesday 2nd October - 'Positive Parenting' run by our school Mental Health Practitioner from Trailblazer (CAMHs)

Wednesday 13th November - 'Emotion Coaching' run by our Educational Psychologist

Wednesday 27th November - 'How to Support Your Child in Maths' run by our Maths Lead, Ms Philippa Kennedy

Bike to School Week 

Don't forget that it's Bike to School Week next week - 23rd to 27th September 

During Bike to School Week, children are encouraged to choose cycling as a fun, healthy, and environmentally friendly way to get to school. This initiative aims to develop a love for cycling among children, promote physical activity, and reduce traffic congestion around schools.

What's on 

Maths Storytelling Day - Wednesday 25th September 

Year 6 Ride Around the Borough - Friday  27th September

Thank a Teaching Assistant Day - Friday 27th September 

Pendarren Parents Meeting - Thursday 26th September, at 3:20

El Salvador Class Assembly - Friday 27th September, at 9:00

International Evening - Friday 11th Oct