Department for Education coronavirus (COVID-19) helpline
The Department for Education coronavirus (COVID-19) helpline is available to answer questions about coronavirus (COVID-19) relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline by calling:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm
Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 6pm |
31st March 2022
Please see below a letter from Haringey Public Health with updated guidance for COVID-19
220331 Letter to Families on guidance changes
24th February 2022
Please see below updated information from Haringey Public Health following the recent COVID-19 changes:
Letter to Families on guidance changes schools
20th January 20222 – Updated Risk Assessment
COVID-19 Risk Assessment – January 2022 V5.0
9th September 2021 – Positive Case in School
Please see below a letter regarding a positive case in school and recommended action:
School letter positive case September 21
2nd September 2021 – Learning to Live with COVID-19
Please see below a booklet issued by Haringey:
27th May 2021 – Letter from Haringey Public Health
Please see below a letter from Haringey Public Health:
PH letter to families 27.05.21
COVID-19 – Risk Assessment
The latest Risk Assessment can be found below.:
COVID-19 Risk Assessment – September 2021 V1.0 shared
Monday, 4th January 2021 – School CLOSURE, Remote Learning
As you may have heard on the news or in the press, the Government have made the decision to move ALL London schools to remote learning until Monday, 18th January. This will now include Alexandra Primary School.
Monday, 4th January is a planned closure for staff training and we will now use this day for organising the remote learning for our school community.
As with the previous closure, the school will remain open for ‘Keyworker’ children for the core day ONLY. If you are a keyworker and would like to apply for a place for your child/ren in school, please email the school office before 10am on Monday at admin@alexprimary.haringey.sch.uk to request a place and please include evidence of your keyworker status. We will then be in contact with you.
For all other families, the school will be CLOSED to all pupils and information on remote learning will be emailed to you on Monday, 4th January.
Tier 4 – December 2020
Please see below information on Tier 4.
COVID-19_Tier 4_Posters_16_December_2020_04

17th December 2020
Please see the letter below from Public Health Haringey regarding COVID-19
Letter to Haringey Carers Parents Guardians December FINAL
16th December 2020

3rd December 2020
From the 3rd December 2020 Haringey is in Tier 2. Please see the poster below for more information:

2nd November 2020
From Monday, 2nd November we are asking for face coverings to be worn by all adults when bringing and collecting child/ren from school. To keep our children, staff and each other safe, please ensure you wear a face covering when queueing to enter the school gates. If you do not wish to wear a face covering we ask you to please stand away from the school and not to enter the school grounds. Thank you for your co-operation.
30th September 2020
Track & Trace App
The new NHS Covid-19 app, now available to download for free, is the fastest way to see if you’re at risk from coronavirus. The faster you know, the quicker you can alert and protect your loved ones and community. The app has a number of tools to protect you, including contact tracing, local area alerts and venue check-in. You can download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
22nd September 2020
Please see attached letter from Haringey Public Health on guidance around COVID-19: Haringey Public Health Letter
15th September 2020
As you will be aware restrictions around COVID-19 have been reintroduced.
Limits on the number of people you can see socially have changed. From Monday 14 September, when meeting friends and family you do not live with (or have formed a support bubble with) you must not meet in a group of more than 6, indoors or outdoors. This is against the law and the police will have the powers to enforce these legal limits, including to issue fines (fixed penalty notices) of £100, doubling for further breaches up to a maximum of £3,200.
There are exceptions where groups can be larger than 6 people. These include:
- for work, or the provision of voluntary or charitable services
- registered childcare, education or training
- supervised activities provided for children, including wraparound care, youth groups and activities, and children’s playgroups
- providing support to a vulnerable person
- providing emergency assistance, and to avoid injury or illness or to escape risk of harm
- to continue existing arrangements where children do not live in the same household as both their parents
With this in mind we ask that once you have dropped your child/ren to school, please move away from the school site, this will ensure that social distancing is being adhered to and gatherings are kept to a minimum.
COVID-19 Symptoms
We have had many calls from parents who are unaware of what to do if their child is showing possible COVID-19 symptoms. We have produced a leaflet that will help you and offers you guidance. Please see the following document Information for parents carers.