Fr Ian Booth was very impressed with how Year 5 behaved in and around the church. He spoke to us about the Christmas story, why it is a special time for Christians and the different seasons that Christianity has. Dylan was chosen to light the candles...
Musical Magic Our lovely KS1 Music Club attendees shared their musical learning with their parents and carers this afternoon. Our fabulous music teacher, Ken, led the children as they showcased their musical learning this term. This included playing the drums, glockenspiels and ukuleles. What fabulous musicians! [gallery ids="16876,16877,16878,16879,16880,16881,16882,16883,16884,16885"]...
Years 2 to 6 have greatly enjoyed participating in the INTO Film festival this year. Each year group has had (or will have) a free visit to a local cinema to enjoy a film. Year 3 loved visiting the VUE, Wood Green, to watch 'Lyle...
In RE we have been learning about the importance of light to Christians at Christmas. We followed instructions and made Christingles. The children really enjoyed this activity. [gallery ids="16849,16850,16851,16852,16853,16854,16855,16856,16857,16858,16859,16860,16861,16862,16863,16864,16865,16866"]...
Science in Mexico Class We explored the digestive system and how it works. We used bags, cups, stockings, cereal and Juice to show the journey of food throughout our body. The children loved wearing goggles and lab coats and we have learnt how our body works. [gallery...
This week we our focus text is 'Oliver's Vegetables'. We have been learning all about healthy and unhealthy foods, and about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet. We have enjoyed printing with vegetables and paint to create beautiful pictures, as well as scrubbing...
The whole school has been making decorations for our Christmas trees. Here are Bolivia classes efforts. We really enjoyed making Christmas wreaths. [gallery ids="16816,16815,16814,16813,16812,16811"] ...