09 Feb Year 3 – Mental Health Week
We shared our ideas on how having a positive attitude helps us to learn more. We talked about how we can share our feelings and thoughts in a safe way. [gallery ids="14831,14832,14833"]...
We shared our ideas on how having a positive attitude helps us to learn more. We talked about how we can share our feelings and thoughts in a safe way. [gallery ids="14831,14832,14833"]...
This week Alexandra Primary school have been celebrating National Storytelling Week. We had a fantastic literacy lesson on Monday exploring different ways of creating and retelling stories. Below is some pupil voice collected from the sessions: What is storytelling? Reading to someone or yourself –...
This half term Nursery's topic is Traditional Tales. This week we have been learning about the tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have enjoyed planting magic beans, painting pictures of giant beanstalks and building castles for the giant and his wife to live in. [gallery...
The children in Early Years have had great fun celebrating Chinese New Year. They created their own Lanterns which can be thought to bring good fortune. They explored Chinese letters and traced different symbols. They also explored the year of their own Chinese zodiac! ...
The children in Reception have been exploring the 'Part, part whole model' a pictorial representation that supports children to understand the composition of numbers. The children created their own model using concert materials; hoops, counters and number cards. The children enjoyed making different quantities and completing the activity together with their peers. ...
Thank you for completing the recent Parent Survey. 49 families completed the survey online. Here are some of the headlines; 97% of parents said their child is happy at Alexandra Primary School 98% of parents said their child feels safe at Alexandra Primary School 97% of parents said...
During Science children were testing variables and identifying electrical conductors and insulators. Danny drew a self-portrait of Winston Churchill as his holiday homework and Ava created her own Spitfire plane. Congratulations to our Year 6 students who have achieved their challenge one in swimming. Essential...
Argentina class made fantastic story maps of our new book. The Stone Age boy. We worked with our partners, taking turns to create pictures as well as writing key words to help us retell the story. They all worked very hard and produced wonderful collaborative...
We explored using charcoal and chalks, as a lead up to creating our own cave paintings. We are learning all about the Stone Age this half term. ...
Venezuela had a PE session today with Coach Jake. We did games outside which looked at teamwork and attacking skills. The children really enjoyed themselves and had a wonderful time and can't wait for next weeks session. ...