The government has put forward proposals to change the SEND and alternative provision system and they're asking for feedback. Attend this event to discuss the proposals and give your views at Chestnuts Community Centre on Tuesday 5th July, 12.30-2pm. Book via Eventbrite. More information can be found in...
Monthly Walk and Talk – this time in Downhills Park! Meet outside Forks and Green café (N15 4AB) at 11.30am, have a walk and a chat around the park and then head into the café for a cuppa. Flyer is below: W+T July - Downhills Park...
Well done to our homework 'Super Stars' in KS1. ...
Antoni has completed his half term project on the solar system. He created a wonderful 3D model of all of the planets in our solar system, using recyclable materials such as; card board, lolly sticks, and paper. Antoni has been fascinated by the Solar system,...
Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning all about wild animals. We have been using green paint, googly eyes, tissue paper and paper plates to create African tree frogs. We have also been practising name writing. The children trace/copy the letters of their name...
Haringey In Bloom Competition How to Enter Email the following to: Two photos of your entry with your name, address, email, contact number and category entered. It’s that easy! Categories • Front garden • Back garden • Balconies • Schools • Vegetable plot • Hanging basket / window boxes • Community groups • Supported housing communal garden Gold,...
Over the holidays, year one have been busy researching different weather conditions and seasonal patterns in the UK while also looking at hot and cold regions around the world. The children have created weather reports, weather charts, and have created 3D models of their favourite weather and the weather cycle. The children have...
Year 5 have been taking part in a Book Awards competition where they have read 6 different books, written reviews and eventually voted for their top 3 choices. This week, some of the Year 5 children discussed the books with Year 4, recommending their favourite....
In art we have been making animal head armatures which we will paint - this is for our sculptures topic. ...