Please see below the letter regarding the forthcoming flu vaccinations and the link to complete the online E-Consent form: FLU cover letter E-CONSENT (Haringey) ...
The Year 6 pupils went to KidZania to explore STEAM activities and careers. They applied their knowledge learnt in the classroom in a practical environment which helped develop the skills needed for the world of work – from resilience to teamwork and problem solving. "The...
To celebrate Black History Month, reception have been exploring different types of fruits and vegetables from Africa and the Caribbean. The children tasted plantain chips and learnt how plantain chips are made. The children enjoyed the plantain chips very much, wanting second servings of the...
In Science, Year 3's topic is Rocks. We have been thoroughly enjoying being scientists - we have been predicting, investigating, observing and drawing conclusions. This week, we have been learning about soil and how important it is to support life. Today, we made observations about what...
This week the children have been exploring the story, Lima's Red Hot Chilli. They explored their sense of taste and learnt about different types of food and they had a try of tasting a red hot chilli! First they smelt the pepper. They were all so brave and chose a...
This week the children in Nursery have been learning all about the story Owl Babies. The children have been busy using Lego and Duplo to build a warm and cosy home for the owl family to live in. We have also been creating our very...
To celebrate Black History Month in October, Wood Green Library have a local African poet named Abe Gibson who will be doing an interactive poetry workshop for children (aged 6-16 years) and parents to attend on Saturday 22nd October from 1-3pm. No booking is necessary...
We will be holding an International Evening to celebrate cultural diversity across Alexandra Primary. To help celebrate we are asking all children and staff to dress in traditional clothing or flag colours to represent your heritage. Ken, our music teacher, will be providing music during the evening. Please...
Mexico class have been studying Greek pots. Greek pots are important because they tell how life was in Athens and other ancient cities. This week we explored using clay and making a clay pot using the pinch pot and the coil techniques. ...