Together with the Head Teacher and staff, we support the fundamental ethos at Alexandra Primary to nurture and increase the potential of each child. We work with the staff to continually raise pupils’ standard of achievement
The Governing Body
- is accountable to parents, carers, children, staff and to the wider community for the performance of the school
- works with the school to plan its future direction and continual improvement
- appoints the Head Teacher and assists with the appointment of senior staff
- ensures that the school adheres to the National Curriculum
- ensures that the school provides a good quality education for all its pupils, , including those with special needs, gifted and talented pupils and pupils from ethnic minorities as well as those new to the English Language
- interprets directives from the government and the local authority
- agrees and monitors the school budget and expenditure and ensures key policies are in place.
We attend at least one full Governors’ meeting per term and also sit on various committees, which serve to undertake specific monitoring and evaluation functions, as well as attending training sessions on matters relevant to our roles. We on occasions visit classrooms during the school day and perform school walkabouts, looking. at specific objectives. We also are present to answer questions during school inspections
The Governing Body is made up of:
- 2 Parent Governors – elected by the Parents
- 1 Local Authority Governor – appointed by Haringay
- 7 Co-opted Governors – chosen by other members of the Governing Body for their special skills
- 1 Staff Governor – elected by members of staff.
- The Head Teacher is also an ex officio member
- Chair Caroline Schloss
- Vice Chair Katie Tucker
A list of all the governors and further information about us can be found here:
A copy of the governors’ pecuniary interests can be found below
Register Of Business Interest 2021-22
Other Roles Fulfilled by Governors
We have recently appointed Link Governors for various of the core subjects within the school curriculum . These governors liaise the subject co-ordinators and monitor progress in those subjects by visiting the school and observing learning alongside school leaders and subject co-ordinators and (most importantly) talking to children
AD Hoc Panels are formed for inter alia the following:
Appointment of Headteacher and involvement in appointment of senior leadership team (Governors involved in recruiting members of staff will have attended Safer Recruitment Training )
Headteacher Performance Panel
Complaints, Grievance and Disciplinary Hearings : 2 or 3 Governors to be selected , with the proviso that they had not taken part in any previous discussions related to the issue in question
How to meet us
You will see our photographs outside the school office and may therefore recognise us around and about the school and we would be happy to talk to you. You can also leave messages for us at the school office and we will get in touch with you.